Guests and friends of barbershop harmony —

During this evening and beyond you will be introduced to our members and share in the experience we enjoy by singing in a barbershop chorus. We’ll find out a bit about you, discover your vocal placement, assign you a riser buddy, and get you singing some barbershop chords!

I’ve asked our members to uphold a commitment to quality and decorum by working hard beyond Tuesday nights, and by keeping our rehearsals professional, productive, and fun.  I encourage our chapter to engage in chorus activities beyond our rehearsals to involve all of our members in sing-outs, quarteting, tag singing, and woodshedding whenever possible.

Our chapter is comprised of men from all walks of life, faiths, careers, and ages. It is in this diversity that we find and capitalize upon a common goal in our desires to become better singers and to discover that little bit of something extra that inspires us to perform enticing traditional harmonies through the personal and portable medium of barbershop singing.

I have committed to working more closely than ever with our music team in choosing music centered in the barbershop style and we will keep our musical selections interesting and challenging for all. Our music Team provides sheet music and part-predominant learning tracks to help learn our music by listening and singing along.

We are always striving to improve our ensemble sound, both as a chorus and especially within each voice section of tenor, lead, baritone, and bass. I may often say, “Why Not Always?” when coaching the chorus to remind them of their own commitment to apply musicality and craft to every song.

I am very proud of the progress of this chorus and I encourage you to let us help you find your voice and a place on the risers.  We make our regular meetings inclusive and fun – so, thank you for visiting with us, bring a friend, and please - join us again!

~ Mark R. Brosseau

Music Director
Cheshiremen Chorus


revised April-2019