Founded and chartered in 1952, the Cheshiremen Chorus is the men’s performing chorus of the Keene, New Hampshire Chapter of the international “Barbershop Harmony Society" (BHS) – Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America (SPEBSQSA)*.  We are the first and oldest chapter in New Hampshire.

We are proudly recognized as one of the region's premier, original choral organizations by encompassing the Barbershop Harmony Society's vision of “Everyone In Harmony”, where men and women are drawn together through their love of the four-part, a cappella, close-harmony style of music known as "Barbershop."

The men of the Cheshiremen Chorus perpetuate the barbershop style of music and the goals of our chapter through a strong, ever-improving music program that provides continuous education to our members through dynamic, entertaining performances on stage, in halls, streets, and fields throughout the towns and cities of our tri-state region of New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Vermont – wherever the opportunity exists for wholesome, fun, entertaining, and unplugged vocal harmony.

The Cheshiremen Chorus endeavors to be a leader in the cause of preserving and encouraging vocal music in our education systems and in our communities as a lifelong recreational activity and as an essential element in one’s cultural being. For our members, we maintain a well-rounded program that blends together singing, performing, family functions, quartetting, music education and fellowship while promoting fun and the opportunity for musical improvement. We view divisional and district contests as opportunities to quantify our progress in musical presentation and singing, and compete only to meter our goals of constantly improving our own presentation and performances.

You can sing, too!  You’re probably already a better singer than you think - but you don't need to sing alone when you can sing along. Anyone can be a singer. We can teach you, help you every step of the way, and share the fun of making music with men who are passionate about harmony. Making harmony… making friends. The Barbershop Harmony Society brings together men from across the continent, who love to make great a cappella harmony together. With more than 23,000 singers in the U.S. and Canada, we're the place where you'll find lots of opportunities to learn more about your voice and how to use it through weekly meetings, workshops, schools and instructional materials. You'll enjoy taking part in contests, presenting shows, and polishing your skills to their ultimate potential. The Keene Chapter has been around for over 72 years!  Wow! Check us out today!

Now is a great time to Discover Harmony!  You are welcome anytime to share your voice in our rehearsals! No auditions!

  • WHEN? We meet every Tuesday night starting at 6:30 PM. Please verify this week’s meeting - see our “Home” page.

  • WHERE? We meet at the United Church of Christ in Keene. The street address is 23 Central Square. Access to our meeting “hall” is via the back entrance, off Vernon Street - into the lower level “Dining Room.” See the ramp.

  • Directions and map - see this page… >HERE<

  • CONTACT US? You may contact us by phone, toll free at 877-31B-SHOP (877-312-7467), see or contact us online at, or via email at  Thank you!

“It’s Great to be a CHESHIREMEN!” / “It’s great to be a BARBERSHOPPER!”

*The Society has 17 regional "districts" in the United States and also affiliate organizations throughout the world. (click this text for more information)

Note:  the above text and descriptions may be used in Press Releases, News features and Programs - without further permission.

More info may be obtained by contacting us.  Thanks!