Thank YOU for a wonderful 2025 event!

2025: We were fully booked for Friday the 14th. Online orders for 2026 are not ready.

Please CALL - and leave a message with details. 1 - 8 7 7 - 3 1 2 - 7 4 6 7

Singing Valentines - 2026 • 8am–8pm • Monadnock Region NH, Cheshire County, Brattleboro VT

Only a limit number of Singing Valentines will be available and scheduled for the day.

Page last updated: Fri. Feb. 28, 2200h

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Select the links to order one, now!

Valentines Day 2026 is Saturday, February 14th

Now you can say "I love you" in a very special way...

Send your sweetheart ... something fun, something unique, something truly romantic ... with an unforgettable Singing Valentine!

Presented LIVE - and by surprise - in 4-part authentic a cappella (voices only!) Barbershop Harmony style by handsome men - with gifts, too!  Very cool!


Wow! What a Thoughtful Expression of Your Love and Appreciation!

The Cheshiremen Chorus proudly present Barbershop Quartets of excellent reputation prepared to perform for you on

SATURDAY - February 14, 2026 from 8 AM until 8 PM

A limited number of performance slots may be available on Friday, 13th - for school, business, etc. destinations.

Expresses your perfect sentiment!

We sing to women AND to men!  It could be a mother or father, a grandmother or grandfather, a daughter or son, a friend, boss, co-worker, doctor, teacher - any special person in your life!

Our quartets show up at homes, business and work places, hospitals, schools, nursing homes, restaurants - even in at the Y or a hair salon - wherever you send us! (And we've sung in some amazing places!)

Your request brings at least four, handsomely-dressed, Cheshiremen prepared to serenade your sweetheart of choice with:

♥  a custom greeting is sung with YOUR name included!
♥♥  a pair of sweetheart songs in authentic barbershop harmony style
♥♥♥  a fresh, long-stemmed Red Rose
♥♥♥♥  a sweet treat
♥♥♥♥♥  a digital picture of the moment!

Available in Keene and the Monadnock Region of New Hampshire only.

The 2026 price for our Singing Valentines is $65 for Standard Delivery.

An incredible gift value!

(Delivery on other days, as well as short-notice, small-window or long-distance, may be extra)

Please note: As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, proceeds from this fund-raising activity support our charitable and
youth music education missions. Our members donate their time, effort and travel expenses to support this event!

Standard Delivery, Online Reservation DEADLINE: 

Best to order by the end of day on Wednesday, Feb. 11.

Delivery may also be possible on adjacent days - Friday and Sunday, but...


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We will return your call & do our best to accommodate you!

We love doing this for you!


We NEED to return your call (discreetly!) in order to gather or confirm all of the required recipient/delivery information from you!

P L E A S E !  When ordering, make sure we have a secure and discreet return phone number - and a time at which YOU can be reached (we hope your recipient doesn't answer the phone!  Your personal cell phone number is best!).

We accept (and prefer) your payment online - via MasterCard, VISA, American Express, Discover Card, or your PayPal account.
Online payments are easy, safe, secure and fast!  You'll be directed to pay online AFTER you submit your order! Your own PayPal account is NOT necessary. Thanks!

If you do not pay online, we'll likely send you an INVOICE to pay - via email.
Follow the link in the email and pay ONLINE at our PayPal service - using any credit card.

We prefer that you pay ONLINE, please.

Note: When we call you, we will discuss or confirm payment.

Otherwise, payment may be mailed once your order is confirmed.

Check or Money Order to this address:

Keene Cheshiremen Chorus
P.O. Box 225
Keene, NH 03431-0225

Outside Our Area? We Have a Network of Singing Valentines Providers - Across the Country!

Men and Women groups - spreading the Joy of Your Message of Love and Appreciation!

Since we are one of 45 chapters in the northeast of the Barbershop Harmony Society, and one of 800+ chapters in 17 districts in North American, we have QUITE the network of singers - worldwide - available!  So ... Singing Valentines might be available nationwide by other member chapters of the Barbershop Harmony Society!  Got a relative far away?  Or maybe you'll be away and need to send a cool Singing Valentine to someone long-distance?  Our singing brothers (and sisters!) are ready to deliver, almost anywhere nationwide!  Let us find a chapter in the location near your intended recipient. We’ll suggest a chapter or quartet and allow you to contact them to order a Singing Valentine delivered there!  Wow!

Contact us EARLY and we’ll search for you! We’ll hope to find you a distant chapter or quartet!

Select the CONTACT US link below for assistance:

Oh - and just FYI - There may be Men's, Women's, or Mixed quartets available to sing to your loved recipient.